
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Zero Risk Fund Approach

In August 2005, the European Commission (EC) started the sfdr mandatory indicators Zero Risk Fund approach in order to provide significant reforms in existing wasteful and predatory pricing schemes. The main goal of the Zero Risk Fund approach is to introduce full transparency in the fund raising and investment processing processes at the European and local level, without unnecessarily increasing costs and without Disclosure obligation of the various risk-weighted products. Over the next four years, the participating public bodies (e.g. EU and Local Investment companies) are mandated (by the Commission ) sfdr mandatory indicators  to disclose their various significant risks (as defined in the basis document spouse Monster wing I B of the Final Dealing Approach mandated by the EC). In addition, agencies should also have their internal sustainability services confirmed and made mandatory. However, in the light of recent history there are strong reservations about the suitability